Largest Cave Fish on Earth- found in Meghalaya, India.
Measuring about 40cm, published in research that appeared in the issue of Cave and Karst Science, a journal published by the British Cave Research Association, has become the largest fish cave fish ever known that was discovered in North-Eastern state called Meghalaya, in India. These fishes have no eyes. and lack pigment and subterranean habitat.
“When first encountered the fish appeared unresponsive to light, although they did react to the water disturbance created by cavers wading through the pools. However, where water disturbance was minimized they became inquisitive and appeared to be searching actively for food” they mentioned. The smaller fish having less regressed eyes rapidly responded to light before experiencing disturbance and were difficult to approach. Upon the first attack, they were able to capture one fish, following which, other fishes promptly associated light as a threat.
The captured fish was considered bulky compared to other known large fishes in the cave, and they depicted that the large size may be due to the immense food supply available in the surrounding.